Why is biodiversity in soil so important?

Microbes are the living foundation of every ecosystem on the planet. Just like humans, soils require a healthy and diverse microbiome to function properly.

Different microbes perform different functions. For example, some fix nitrogen, while others mine trace elements and minerals. By having a robust set of diverse biology you are maximising your chance of success by having all your bases covered. Not only that, but if one species finds itself in unfavourable conditions you may have five or more other species that can still perform the same function.

It's like being able to rely on a whole community of people, rather than just a small team, a single person, or nobody at all.

Are results guaranteed?

Absolutely not! There are so many variables it is impossible to say with certainty. To give yourself the best chance of success;

  • Consider performing small scale trials
  • Ensure that the inoculum makes direct contact with the seed, root system or plant tissues (topical soil applications are not likely to be as effective)
  • Follow regenerative soil health principles where possible, such as, keeping soil disturbance to a minimum, mulching, holistic grazing, permaculture, syntropics, biodynamics, hugelkultur and multi-species cover cropping etc.

How long do I have to use it?

There is no use-by-date. So long as it is stored reasonably (i.e. not kept in extreme conditions), soil microbes can lay dormant for many years, waiting until environmental conditions are favourable in order to re-establish themselves.

How is Nourish Compost made?

We produce our inoculant using the Johnson-Su Bioreactor method. A process where compostable organics are first soaked and assembled into a passively aerated static pile. Over the next 14 months, the compost is left completely undisturbed and is watered daily to ensure the material stays at the correct moisture level. Only after the full maturation process is our inoculant DNA tested for quality control, before it is ready to be used. To learn more check out our resources page.

What are the application rates?

For most applications, the recommended rates are;

0.11g / m²

454g / acre

1.12kg / hectare

For other applications such as inoculating compost, leaf mould, worm farms, JADAM liquid fertiliser etc., you can apply as desired.

Do I have to follow the application rates?

No, but it is recommended based on Dr Johnson's research. You should not expect to see improved results with more concentrated applications. Having said that, you also do not need to be worried about adverse effects with higher concentrations.

How do I calculate how much to use?

For most applications, figure out what area of land you will be inoculating, seeding, or planting into. Multiply this number by your application rate. This will tell you how much inoculant to use over that area.

Then, it is up to you to decide which method of application you prefer and how diluted you wish to make your extract or slurry (i.e. how many litres of water you will apply over the target area).

Example. You have 10m² of land you will be planting into. Multiply 10 by the application rate (in comparable units) of 0.11g/m². This means you can use as little as 1.1g to inoculate this area of land, using your chosen method of application.

For other applications, such as to inoculate compost, worm farms, leaf mould, weed teas etc., you can use as much or as little as you like.

Which method of application is best for me?

Ultimately, it's up to you. However, the following options are recommended depending on the equipment you have, the size of land, and what you intend to inoculate.

For small scale applications;

  • Seed coating
  • Seedling drench
  • Foliar spray (e.g. with pump sprayer, spray bottle, or manually flicking the extract with a brush)

For medium and large scale applications;

  • Seed coating
  • Seedling drench
  • Soil injection (in furrow and existing plants)
  • Foliar spray

Please note that topical soil applications have been shown in Dr Johnson's research to be less effective compared to the recommended methods. This product works best when the inoculum makes direct contact with the seed, the root system, or the plant tissue.

How do I prepare the application methods?

Seed coating (wet)

  • Coat or soak seeds with a slurry of inoculum with water only, or milk and molasses (8:1). Best suited for larger seeds and may not be appropriate for some seeding equipment.

Seed coating (dry)

  • Prepare inoculant slurry as above. Lay the coated seeds on a flat, shaded and protected area (e.g. from birds and wind) to dry. You may need to move the seeds around to ensure even drying.

Seedling drench

  • Make compost extract to desired strength and use this solution to drench seedling trays or pots using a container of your choice. The earlier the inoculum comes into contact with the seed or plant, the better.

Soil injection

  • Prepare compost extract to desired strength. Filter if required and use with existing equipment.

Foliar spray

  • Prepare compost extract to desired strength and filter as required. While not necessary, the addition of fungal foods such as tri-kelp or fish hydrolysate can help with plant absorption.

What is compost extract and how do I make it?

Compost extract is water that has a soil inoculant or compost dissolved in solution. Rather than trying to sprinkle micrograms of compost evenly, the extract provides a simple and reliable way to disperse the microbes evenly over a given area.

To make it, mix the chosen amount of inoculum (in a filter bag or loose) with nonchlorinated water, then mix vigorously for 1 to 2 minutes. Dilute and apply as desired. May require filtration. Do not store after preparation.

Where can I buy Nourish Compost?

Check out our online shop.

Otherwise, stay tuned as we hope to become available in a few select locations.

Can I organise direct pickup for my order?

While this is currently unfeasible, our operation is a work in progress and we may implement this option in future.

Why do you only ship to QLD addresses?

Each state and territory has different rules and regulations in place to prevent the spread of fire ants. This brings additional costs and challenges that we are avoiding by only shipping within QLD. We are fully compliant with fire ant regulations in QLD.

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