You can support local sustainable agriculture in a number of ways
Collect your food scraps and drop them off at your local Brisbane City Council Community Compost Hub).
Employ service providers to collect your compostable waste streams. Such organisations include In The Loop [BNE], Mallow Sustainability, Loop Growers, and Yandina Community Gardens Food Waste Loop.
Purchase locally sourced and locally made, high-quality compost for your garden or veggie patch.
Purchase delicious, nutritious, locally grown produce.
Volunteer at a Brisbane City Council Community Compost Hub. They are a great way to meet like-minded people and learn about composting and gardening. Neighbourhood Farm also has volunteer days and workshop events.
Check out the 'What's on in Brisbane' upcoming events to learn about composting and other topics.
Grow some herbs and veggies at home or start a compost system or worm farm. Did you know Brisbane City Council has a compost rebate program?
Get on Sharewaste and check out their free platform.
Help spread the word with your friends and family. Small changes can make a big difference.